Mathew Tow is an Evidential Medium who has spent years developing and working with the general public. Mathew has studied with Janet Nohavec, Lisa Williams, Michael Mayo, Megan Alisa and many others. 
Mathew is a trained illustrator and a professional comic book penciler since the age of fifteen. Mathew may incorporate his art into his mediumship, drawing what he sees to help support the evidence of the spirit world. 
Mathew is also a passionate educator with Dana Willey, where they run a weekly development circle that encourages growth and comfort for all development levels. 

What is evidential mediumship?

This type of mediumship focuses on what happens during this lifetime. Evidential mediumship solidifies itself with facts and evidence to prove that the medium does in fact have your loved one beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is a way to prove that life continues beyond this physical form. As an evidential medium it is about stepping out of the way of the spirit world, delivering evidence in a non bias way (neutrality). An evidential medium loves facts that move the person they are reading for, Mathew loves the information you just can't google...or as Mathew says "non gooogle-able."

About Mathew.